"Our countryside will remain needlessly under threat"
"I do not think large farmers should be exempt from Inheritance Tax because no-one else is"
Government urged to intervene to ensure health of food and farming for the future
Howes Percival partner Stuart Maggs, said it was ‘disingenuous' to suggest the only people impacted by this policy are the ones having to pay tax, highlighting many farmers who will spend ‘thousands if not tens of thousands' on legal fees in response to the policy change
UFU president William Irvine said once all the facts were laid out on the table, it seemed the negative impact that the budget changes will have on NI started to 'hit home'
'Today we stand united and have shown Westminster they cannot continue to take farmers for granted'
"Transparency and authenticity are key in food production"
UFU president William Irvine said the union is 'appalled' by the actions of some within the farming community
Department says December payments will deliver nearly £300m into rural economy
More than 100 tractors will circle City of York as farmers pile pressure on Labour Government