Speaking at the Plaid Cymru conference, the FUW president said if all current Welsh emissions were to be offset by tree planting, this would require an area around twice the size of Wales to be planted with trees
Chief executive of the Welsh Dee Trust has warned ‘drawn out discussions' between tenants and landlords on who needs to pay for changes, means action to tackle pollution on-farm is often delayed
The game shooting community is being asked to prioritise high levels of biosecurity measures and ensure there is critical defence set up against the disease
Welsh farmers still have little knowledge of what the payment rates would be for the new interim Habitat Wales Scheme. The new scheme is due to replace Glastir area-based payments on January 1, 2024
The Food, Farm and Countryside Commission's new report suggested farmers are not being paid a fair price for their produce
NFU Scotland said the Agriculture and Rural Communities Bill would be a 'key step forward' for farmers
Many in the industry were concerned the changes would open up the opportunity for other industries to be complacent. But the reaction was not all negative, with the industry welcoming the PM's announcement to rule out a meat tax
Speaking to farmers, Ministers, cross party MPs and industry figures for 'Back British Farming Day', Therese Coffey confirmed that the science is clear and farmers need glyphosate
In a letter written to the Environment Minister, Gillian Martin MSP, Scottish Land and Estates urged the Scottish Government to rethink current plans to licence grouse shooting
Defra Secretary Therese Coffey made it clear she did not agree with her predecessor’s ‘arbitrary deadline’ on ending the badger cull