The council has promised the farmer a ’cast iron guarantee’ housing developments would not go ahead on the site
A push to plant trees across Scotland has driven marginal grazing land prices up, with a knock-on effect on better land.
Plots from one of the oldest continuous field trial sites in the UK and the oldest in Scotland have been relocated to make room for house building.
House price rises of 20 per cent over the next five years are set to add fuel to a burning crisis affecting rural areas across the country, Liberal Democrat MP Tim Farron has warned.
House price rises of 20 per cent over the next five years are set to ‘add fuel to a burning crisis’ affecting rural areas across the country, Liberal Democrat MP Tim Farron has warned.
With rural land in demand across the UK, Moore Barlow’s Sarah Jordan, explores the most important things to consider when selling farmland
The market for solar farms has been reinvigorated by the focus on sustainability but there are pitfalls for landowners. Boulton Cooper’s Stewart Hamilton highlights the importance of careful tax planning
Landowners could cash in on strong demand for housing as developers capitalise on the Government’s ambitious house-building targets. Rural Ventures Kim Walton looks at how farmers can be sure they are getting the best offer
Buyers are in the market for land but landowners have been cautious bringing land forward with uncertainty from Brexit, future agricultural policy and the pandemic. We take a look at what is driving farmland market
With land in demand as the British public takes more interest in the countryside, Moore Barlow’s Sarah Jordan shares the most important things to consider when buying farmland