By rights, when you read this Stephen and I should have had a couple of days in Glasgow at the Semex conference, which is always an interesting and thought provoking conference. However, it has obviously been cancelled due to restrictions in Scotland.
Every industry is experiencing a shortage of available talent. This has been seen in the dairy industry for the last few years, especially on dairy farms.
I hope you have all had a happy and peaceful festive season. It is mid-January and the hustle and bustle of the Christmas turkey rush seems like a long and distant memory.
I am writing this on January 1, so Blwyddyn Newydd Dda pawb (happy new year all). May your troubles be less and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door. Lang may yer lum reek (long may your chimney smoke).
Winter might have been a bit late in coming this year here in the Scottish Borders the grass was still growing in November but when it did it definitely came with a bang, or should I say storm.
I only started writing for Farmers Guardian this year after ‘Editor Ben’ [Briggs], as he is now known in our house, rang and asked if I could deliver positive, humorous and light-hearted family farming stories. I said yes, knowing my wonderfully weird family could provide me with content in telehandler-sized bucketfuls.
It is the season of school nativity plays Covid-19 permitting and I listen to the strains of Away In A Manger sung by some angelic voices and some rather discordant reedy voices.
Keeping in line with the weather throughout 2021, November was incredibly kind to us and allowed us to get finished with lifting, cultivating and drilling in good time.
As we approach the Christmas period at a fairly rapid pace the order book for the butchery is looking very healthy.
We are now well into winter and have settled into a nice routine, with Isobel and I taking turns on feeding and checking cows.