Farmers Guardian catches up with three farmers to find out how their winter wheat is looking and what’s on their minds for the weeks ahead.
New crop confidence is driving European markets while the oilseeds complex had a mixed week
Since the Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) was established by ADAS 10 years ago, it has recorded multiple crop world records, droughts, floods and a fertiliser crisis.
After taking over Hope Farm in 2000, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is using the land as a testbed to demonstrate how farmers can transition to more nature-friendly practices while remaining commercially profitable.
In line with global markets and the renewed concerns for Black Sea supplies, domestic wheat markets have been pushing higher
If heavy rainfall and challenging ground conditions prevent T0 fungicide applications, industry experts advise growers to increase T1 application rates
Arable farmers are being encouraged to make early foliar phosphate applications to give crops a much-needed development boost this spring.