High numbers of cabbage seed weevil are being observed in some oilseed rape crops across the country.
A major new project aimed at using robotics to control slugs on a field scale has been launched.
Reducing stress and maintaining green leaf area could be vital not only for yield, but for grain marketability this season, with the potential for a heavily supplied market.
In conjunction with Bayer we will be keeping track of winter wheat crop development this season as emergence is likely to be variable following the challenging conditions.
Arable farmers can now keep up to date with the latest news, views, research and advice in the world of crop production from the comfort of their tractor cab.
Three years’ worth of trials across three-five sites in Scotland found that yield responses to GS30/31 applications were unlikely in low risk scenarios.
A Rothamsted PhD student whose research into pest-eating beetles has been badly disrupted by the lockdown is appealing for farmers to help with her project.
Here is why using nodal growth stages will not be a good indicator of leaf 3 emergence this season.
Vicon has confirmed the partnership between the Kverneland Group and Italian sprayer manufacturer Mazzotti is to continue.