Crop health faces huge challenges including climate change, biosecurity, pesticide availability, legislation and pesticide resistance.
The EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy, which sets a target to reduce pesticide use by 50 per cent, would negatively affect the world’s most food-insecure populations. The UK should not follow suit, says Adam Speed, director of public affairs at the Crop Protection Association.
The 2020 season saw a wet autumn and winter, followed by a dry spring and a dull summer. Despite this, YEN estimated autumn sown crop potential of 18 tonnes per hectare this year.
Cheap fungicide programmes produced top margins for the AHDB winners of ADAS’ 2020 Wheat Fungicide Margin Challenge.
The mild autumn conditions are extending the BYDV period of infection later into the year than would normally be expected.
Cheap fungicide programmes produced top margins for the AHDB winners of ADAS’ Wheat Fungicide Margin Challenge.
Outbreaks of frit fly damage are being reported by ProCam agronomists in different parts of the country in winter cereal crops planted after spring oats.
GB potato lifting is coming to an end with an estimated 96 per cent of the harvest complete by November 10.
The AHDB Recommended List for cereals and oilseeds (RL) will feature major changes to rust disease-resistance ratings in 2021/22 as the evolving disease becomes harder to track.
A Dutch scientist turned film maker has teamed up with a group of European farmers to produce a crowd-funded documentary film which will dispel the mistruths surrounding glyphosate.