Last month has seen a sizeable chunk of winter sowing completed, with most roughly 40 per cent through their planned winter cropping.
The unseasonably mild conditions for October have presented good drilling conditions across the country, but growers are being warned of higher barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) pressure this autumn.
Staying legal and the opportunity to retainuse ofactivesfor longer are good reasons to reduce spray drift. Marianne Curtis reports.
Milling wheat is in short supply leading to increasing premiums, but can the bull market last?
Preparations are well underway for Cultivate 2022, a business-led conference aimed specifically at farming and rural enterprises. With Farmers Guardian being the event’s media partner we find out more about what January’s event has in store.
Brewing business Heineken UK is launching a farm trial to explore how one of the main ingredients of beer, barley, can be grown in a more sustainable way to help reduce CO2 emissions.
In the last of our series, Farmers Guardian talks to two agronomists in the east and southwest to review the 2021 potato season and what lessons can be taken into next year.
AHDB has issued the Recommended Lists (RL) 2022/23 septoria tritici ratings early, following high levels of the disease in the 2020/21 growing season and concerns about the breaking of resistance.
Dry rot risk is high in Scotland this year and seed potato growers are being urged to apply tuber treatments as early as possible to prevent disease progression in store.