Being a typical British event, it rained all day but it was an incredible experience and one we will truly remember forever.
Our search for a permanent home continues. But it seems that recently the market has opened up.
Not only are there three farms coming up for rent locally, butthere are several farms on and off the market to purchase. We have moments where we think we'll be in our rented house for a few more weeks and other moments where we think we'll be here for a year or two.
At the beginning of the month, parts of East Devon experienced a month's worth of rain in a number of hours causing localised flooding. We must become more climate resilient as these events are becoming more frequent, although typically it hasn't rained since then.
This week we were waiting for the Government to announce its response to the Rock Review into tenant farming.
Baroness Kate Rock along with the Tenant Farmers Association are first class advocates to have in the industry and I'm excited to see what recommendations from the report the Government will be adopting.
I have been invited along with other tenant farmers to meet with Mark Spencer, Farming Minister, to discuss the Government's response to the review. It's really important whilst we strengthen the protection for tenant farmers, we also encourage landlords to adopt new entrants so we have a fresh supply of future tenant farmers.