Farmers working longer hours with 9 out of 10 stating mental health was farming's biggest hidden problem
Jess Bostock, from Staffordshire, on carbon recycling and methane production
Around 20 wild boar have been seen in woodlands near Kingussie in the Cairngorms National Park
Frontier Group's operating profits dropped by 30% to £37 million
John Swinney highlighted concerns about Inheritance Tax changes, committed to ultra high frequency EID and confirmed Gov would not reintroduce lynx to Scotland
In today's Farming in Five, head of news and business Alex Black speaks about the new NFU Scotland president Andrew Connon and a round up of all the goings on at this year's NFUS conference
The chair of the Copa-Cogeca cereals and oilseeds working group highlighted the importance of having farmers at the top table in affecting Government policy
In today's Farming in Five, head of news and business Alex Black takes a look at the major events happening this week, from the NFU Scotland conference to the Yorkshire Agricultural Machinery Show, and an update on the campaign to get the Government to u-turn on its Inheritance Tax plans
In today's episode of Farming in Five, head of news and business Alex Black discusses Iceland boss Richard Walker speaks out on Inheritance Tax changes, Muller confirms it will hold its March price and the latest on the digital grain passport