Members are launching a local food fight back, after Oxfordshire County Councils decision to switch to plant-based only menus has been called into question.
Councillor Eddie Reeves will ask members at a full meeting of the council in July to reinstate meat and dairy on to the menu and to support local producers following the decision to move to a plant-based offer earlier this year and the subsequent controversy surrounding the provenance of the vegan dishes.
Mr Reeves will tell colleagues: Given the privileged position in which this Council finds itself and the potentially damaging effects of its motion dated 14 December, this Council resolves to offer locally produced menus at Council-catered events, including meat, dairy and vegan options, or to make alternative provisions for members, staff and attendees to facilitate personal choice.
The vegan menu motionwas introduced last year by Green Party member for Kidlington Ian Middleton. He had proposed that all council events only serve plant-based food and that schools should devote two days a week to a vegan menu.
However, his ambition was, according to Conservative councillor David Batholomew, wound back with the event menu limited to just seven annual full council meetings, while schools were asked to try and aim for one meat-free day per week.
The move has been met with outrage by Oxfordshire farmers who have said the authority should be championing sustainable, locally-produced food, not dishes sourced outside the county where the carbon footprint cannot be traced, as reported by FG last week.
Mr Batholomew, who is backing Mr Reevess amendment, said: We are not opposed to vegan food, but we do want to help our local producers and serve local food. And we want there to be a choice. It is not right to impose personal opinions on others. We are happy to be educated about the subject, but people still must be allowed to make their own choice as to what they do or do not want to eat.
A spokesperson for Oxfordshire County Council said: Motions to full council are debated by all county councillors. If they are carried then the officers of the council implement them subsequently.