Organisation encouraging everyone to get down on the land in honour of the soil
NFU crops board chairman Matt Culley is a fourth-generation farmer from Hampshire working in partnership with his parents and brother.
Promoting diverse colonies of soil biology to improve plant health is something most regenerative farming systems are based around. And while biology cannot offer consistent control of pests or disease like an agrochemical might, its use is an important piece of the integrated crop management puzzle.
Want to improve your soils but feel apprehensive about it? Soil Association adviser Katy Jo Stanton has some words of wisdom.
With black-grass starting to rear its ugly head above crops this season, growers have until around the first week of June to decide what to do with badly affected areas, in order to prevent seed return.
Farmers with tricky grass-weeds to control are invited to take part in a new farmer-led project as part of the second year of trials on harvest weed seed control (HWSC).
Growers are encouraged to provide modern barley varieties with effective green leaf area protection if the crops are to reach the yield potential.
With the drilling window for spring barley, wheat and beans now closed, we investigate summer cover crop management for growers looking to sell, feed or provide soil benefits this summer.
Five years on from hosting a Farming For A Better Climates pilot project, Montrose farmer Willie Officer has seen the change of approach result in improved yields and reduced input costs.